Category: literature
Teach Reading and Writing with Geospatial Technologies
Reading, Writing and Thinking Around the Globe: Geospatial Technologies for the English Language Arts and Beyond by Barbaree Ash Duke If you’re looking for realistic ideas for implementing 21stCentury tools into your classroom, then this is the book for you. Harness the power of online mapping, virtual globes and online content! Spotlighted areas, reading and writing, foster… Read more
Lit Trips and Author’s Homes
If you haven’t stopped by lately, then you might need to revisit! For those who are new to this fine resource, Jerome Berg has a collection of journeys that open nicely in Google Earth or ArcGIS Explorer. In addition, they now have 3D models of Author’s homes created in Sketch Up and placed where… Read more
Google Literature Field Trips and Rumsey Maps
My hat’s off to these creative thinkers. Check out! While you’re playing with Google Earth, be sure to look under featured content for the Rumsey collection. What a cool experience to see these historic maps ON THE GLOBE! By the way, you will need the latest version of Google Earth to utilize this feature.… Read more