Category: internet mapping
Personal Geography # 5: Mapping eBay
Recently, my husband upgraded his truck. In the process he traded in his old truck and another car. Since he likes to dabble in cars, we have a few spare parts around the garage. With the exiting vehicles, he realized that he might make a little spare cash, what my grandmother called “mad money”, on… Read more
My Summer Reading Adventure
Summer draws to a close, at least here in southeastern Louisiana….school starts August 9th. I have been talking with my tutoring students about their summer reading. I too try to do some summer reading and wanted to highlight my favorite of this summer, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet by Reif Larsen. I am a geography… Read more
Zoomarrific Historic Maps
Happy Geography Week! If you’re interested in historic maps, then check this out! It’s an easy to use web map with a selection of David Rumsey’s Historical Map Collection on an aerial view of the globe. Once you click on a map point, then you can click again and see the map on the… Read more