Category: gps
Q & A: How do I add *.gpx files from my gps unit to an online map?
Charlie Fitzpatrick presented an excellent webinar last night! One of the things that he demonstrated was adding GPS (*.gpx) files to an online map. An attendee asked me for some detailed instructions, so here you go. It’s REALLY easy to do! In Esri’s Map Viewer: Drag and Drop Go to Click Map at the top.… Read more
Where Is Your Next Adventure?
I’m gearing up for Geography Awareness Week 2011 with an emphasis on the theme: Explore the Adventure in Your Community. The folks over at The Geography Collective have created cool MISSIONS to get you out and about…exploring your community. Also, Daniel Raven-Ellison, one of their geographers, is stopping by the NCGE Webinar program to show off… Read more
Caching into Writing
Geocaching isn’t just for science class or the serious geography geek! A cache is simply a hiding place, and caching is hiding something like a treasure. Nature is full of treasures waiting to be explored. A popular movement called “geocaching” gets folks outside with their GPS units to find treasures hidden by other geocachers. If… Read more
AgTech Camp – Great Fun in Sweetwater, TX
We had a great day here in Sweetwater, Texas! I had the honor of doing a workshop for 20 great Ag teachers here on the Texas State Technical College West Texas campus. We talked about geospatial technologies for agriculture and the classroom. We got outside with our GPS units and mapped farms, invasive species, ponds,… Read more
Costa Rica is CALLING YOU!
Costa Rica Technology in the Field with GISetc The signup and payment date has been extended to May 1 for our July 2010 trip to the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This field experience has a strong marine component and encompasses substantive work being done with the community of Bahia Ballena near the Osa… Read more
A Sunday Drive and GPS Data
Don’t be intimidated by the word “data”! Like Forrest Gump says, “You can tell a lot about people…where they goin’…where they been.” While out on what my grandfather called “A Sunday Drive” yesterday, I tried this with my new iPhone. GIS Education Community Blog : Fun with GIS #42: Using the iPhone to Collect Data… Read more
Pointed Journeys
I’ve mentioned the Degree Confluence project in the past (, because I’ve been out there zeroing out my GPS unit: twice to 30N 90W, one trek in the middle of Lake Tahoe and others. It’s great fun! I was introduced to this project by Dr. Joseph Kerski. Appropriately, The American Surveyor has featured a beautiful… Read more
Geocoding Large Data Sets…FREE
Hi all! While I solidly believe GPS fieldwork is a great thing for a youth based project often I get questions about how can lat/long be created from an address or a spreadsheet. ESRI announced a week or so ago it’s free geocoder and it is great!( However, one of the useful tools I would… Read more
Now that summer’s upon us, you might be interested in grabbing your GPS unit and doing some exploring. Get the scoop at! As my friend Joseph says, “Get out there and explore the world!” Read more