Category: ArcGIS Explorer online
Q & A: How do I add *.gpx files from my gps unit to an online map?
Charlie Fitzpatrick presented an excellent webinar last night! One of the things that he demonstrated was adding GPS (*.gpx) files to an online map. An attendee asked me for some detailed instructions, so here you go. It’s REALLY easy to do! In Esri’s Map Viewer: Drag and Drop Go to Click Map at the top.… Read more
Teachable, Mappable Moments: Weather
Although weather can pose some challenging moments, I’m struck with the idea that we have not only a mappable moment but a teachable one as well. In our recent past, the US dealt with Irene and a substantial earthquake in Virginia. The weather keeps coming! I live in southeast Louisiana where we’re watching now TS… Read more
Boldly Going Were No Maps Have Gone Before
Some critics say the online mapping tools and free mapping tools are like chasing a moving target. Well, warm up your running shoes and pack extra arrows in your quiver, because the latest version of ArcGIS Explorer Online is worth the effort to chase it down! Those of you who have been involved with the… Read more
Q & A: Adding Pictures to your ArcGIS Explorer Map
Question: How can I insert a personal photo into a pop-up for a feature I’ve added to my map? Answer: First, know which ArcGIS Explorer you are using, DESKTOP(AGXD) or ONLINE (AGXO). The rules are different for each interface. Second, here are the rules… Save your personal photo in an online service, such as Picasa.… Read more
ArcGIS Explorer Online How-To Guide
If you’re searching for a nice how-to document on using the Esri ArcGIS Explorer Online tool, then point your browser over to the University of Redlands. They have done a nice job with most of the basic functions that you would want to use with students. Read more
Q & A: Nile River Resources
Question: Are you familiar with any lessons and activities related to the Nile – cataracts, delta or the Aswan dam? This 5th grade social studies teacher has expressed some interest in GIS and I’m trying to provide her some GIS-related activities that go along with her classroom focus. Answer: That is a VERY specific topic. Joseph Kerski… Read more