Category: agriculture
Story Maps #2: What’s Your Dinner’s Story?
I love the idea that we are story telling with maps. Most people enjoy a great story. Good stories have a central theme or motif (fancy English teacher word). With a guiding motif, we can add items to our story that express emotion, inform and provoke discussion. In a conversation recently, we were plotting and… Read more
Personal Geography #4: The Great Watermelon Conundrum of ’78
Summers were great fun in the deep south! Afternoon stiflingly sticky heat was often quenched with the timely arrival of the ice cream truck as you hear “The Entertainer” tune from far away…plenty of time to plead with Mom for 50 cents! Often those summers included family journeys to the lake house or our family farm. My… Read more
AgTech Camp – Great Fun in Sweetwater, TX
We had a great day here in Sweetwater, Texas! I had the honor of doing a workshop for 20 great Ag teachers here on the Texas State Technical College West Texas campus. We talked about geospatial technologies for agriculture and the classroom. We got outside with our GPS units and mapped farms, invasive species, ponds,… Read more