Barbaree Duke: Incorporating geospatial technologies and geography into traditional subjects.

AgTech Camp – Great Fun in Sweetwater, TX

We had a great day here in Sweetwater, Texas!  I had the honor of doing a workshop for 20 great Ag teachers here on the Texas State Technical College West Texas campus.  We talked about geospatial technologies for agriculture and the classroom.  We got outside with our GPS units and mapped farms, invasive species, ponds, fences and more.  These teachers have great ideas for implementing geospatial technologies for their students…and had no trouble seeing how their colleagues in the traditional core subjects could utilize this as well.
View of Wind Turbines from I-20

Encourage your students to follow their interests and talents…technical, vocational and community colleges offer some excellent programs with real results–jobs when you graduate!

Thank you to all the fine folks here in Sweetwater for a great time!  I hope that I have the opportunity to return!

Oh…and did you know that Sweetwater is the wind energy capital?