Unlock the Power of Geospatial Technologies
believe in student success and doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal. I believe in sharing my experiences, curriculum, and ideas to make the classroom a better place to learn and think. As a 30+ year veteran of public education, mostly spent with snarky teenagers, I understand. When geospatial technologies came into my classroom in 2000, it changed my point of view forever.
✓ Discover new ways to integrate technology into education
✓ Enhance curriculum development
What is my expertise?
For 25 of more than 30 years of teaching, leadership, and presentation experience, I have been immersed in and advocating for GIS in education. As an early adopter, I regularly find myself on the bleeding edge of technology innovation and always seek ways to creatively affect student learning and teacher efficacy. I was one of the first teachers to integrate GIS into young elementary student curriculum and was the first secondary teacher to integrate GIS into English Language Arts. I believe GIS has the power to change education. In my consultant work, I have led the conversation with helpful content, curated resources, and realistic examples for educators and the geospatial community. I’m a 2009, 2013 and 2017 graduate from ESRI’s T3G (Teachers Teaching Teachers GIS) Institute.
Collaboration Matters
I believe in teamwork. Being an effective leader means trusting your team to do their part for common goals, always collaborating and communicating to maintain high standards. Collaboratively developing both long-term strategic plans as well as short-term goals keep the team on target. Leveraging my connections with other organizations and professional acquaintances extends the team and creates an environment of growth and productivity.
Other Adventures
GISetc has been my main partner in GIS work since 2009. We’ve written books and worked together on many initiatives to utilize GIS and geospatial technologies in educational environments.
For more than a decade as Executive Webinar Producer at Directions Magazine, I coordinated staff, clients, and resources for one of the most respected webinar programs in the geospatial community. The right tools mixed with hard work and enthusiasm can produce results. Including research and consistent analysis of our processes, tools and results helped support our high standard.
In my experience as Editor-in-Chief at Directions Magazine, I learned about the wide diversity of the geospatial community. I understand the unique challenge of creating content and marketing that speaks to individual needs while propelling the company’s mission.
Why should we work together?
I have a unique set of experiences and skills. I appreciate where we have been and believe I can help continue to expand the reach of GIS in education. I am a well-respected member of the GIS community and believe my reputation speaks loudly. You do not have to be the loudest voice in the room to have influence. I am eager to continue working to help the world hear the story of GIS in Education in new ways.
When I’m not writing, mapping, or collaborating…
I’m volunteering with the local literacy council to teach GED classes, working with Alpha Delta Pi as volunteer, volunteering with the National 4H Geospatial Team, or just hanging out with my family and beloved rescue dogs.

How can I help?
Let’s collaborate on a project!